Turning Strings into Things.

It all begins with an idea. Sometimes it’s clear where the idea came from, sometimes it’s not. Either way, creativity has its place in our lives. I believe everyone is creative. It’s only a matter of finding what kind of creativity speaks to you. Be brave; create.

Autumn Dispersion

This pattern is for a shawl with an approximate 15” depth. It is knit from the top down with a garter tab cast on. It can be found on Raverlry.


This knit pattern was inspired by the desire to use cables differently than they are usually displayed. I wanted a repeatable pattern, but one that wasn’t exactly straightforward. To that end, I chose to have the cables travel diagonally across the body of the top. This is a Dolman-style tank top knit with a bamboo yarn: Truboo from Lion Brand Yarn. The pattern is available on Ravelry.

Illustrious Courage

Illustrious Courage—the pattern—was born from a desire to make a cardigan with simple, yet textured, stitches. Illustrious Courage—the name—was born from a name generator. I wanted a name that spoke of the need to step out and try something that may otherwise cause one to turn away and face it head-on. Find the pattern on Ravelry.

